Order Information

  • How do I place an order?

    Orders can be placed directly on our website by adding the items to the cart and clicking "Checkout". If you are unable to process an order on fancii.com, please contact us at support@fancii.com
  • How do I enter a promotion code for my order?

    Promotion codes, if applicable, can be entered on the Check Out page under the empty field "Discount". Click APPLY to confirm. You can access the Check Out page by clicking on "Check Out" on the bottom right side of the Shopping Cart.
  • Can I use more than one promotion code per order?

    No. At this time you are able to use one coupon or promotion code per order.
  • What if I need to cancel or change my order?

    An order can be canceled or adjusted within 2 hours of placing the order by contacting our Customer Support team. Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm MST. After 2 hours, we are unable to modify or cancel orders. If you want to change or add to your order, please place a separate ...
  • Can I save items in my shopping cart for purchase at a later date?

    Yes. Items placed in your shopping cart and not purchased will remain for 30 days. Your saved shopping cart is accessible only from the computer where it was created. To access your cart from multiple locations, please click on "My Account" and create an account.
  • What payment methods can I use?

    You may pay for your order with a VISA, MasterCard, or American Express credit card, Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or a flexi pay option of buy now, pay later with Afterpay. Currently, we are unable to accept payment by debit card, check and multiple credit cards per order. Once your order ships...
  • Are credit card purchases safe on fancii.com?

    Yes, your credit card purchases are safe on fancii.com. We use secure servers and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt all of your personal information, including your credit card data. Once encrypted, your data cannot be read as it travels over the Internet.
  • Do you sell magnifiers?

    Please visit Fancii Optics for all things magnifiers!